W celu złożenia zamównienia skontaktuj sie z naszym dedykowanym przedstawicielem medycznym
Jowita Krzyżanowska
województwa: Mazowieckie, Pomorskie, Lubelskie, Kujawsko-pomorskie, Zachodniopomorskie, Warmińsko-mazurskie
Iwona Majta
województwa: Śląskie, Wielkopolskie, Małopolskie, Opolskie
Beata Jaracz
województwa:dolnośląskie, łódzkie, podkarpackie, podlaskie, lubuskie, świętokrzyskie
Who Are We?
The idea behind our Company has always been to make innovative solutions more availablenot only for professionals, but above all for patients. Drawing on our knowledge and experience, we are constantly providing new solutions for diagnosis and treatment.
We specialise in treatment support products as well as rapid diagnostic tests for patients and professionals. Our product range is regularly expanded to meet the requirements of each individual.
We offer a whole range of tests for professionals, from pregnancy test, antigen detection tests, all the way to specialised tests responding to the current global situation – COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus. With patients in mind, we have developed a whole line of medical self-test kits, such as an innovative VITAMIN D TEST, TSH TEST, FERRITIN TEST.
Formularz zamówień
Wypełnienie i wysłanie formularza równoznaczne jest z przyjęciem zamówienia do realizacji i wystawieniem faktury do opłacenia.
Pola oznaczone * są wymaganeExtensive Product Range
Our portfolio includes products for people with insulin resistance and diabetes.We offer high-end glucometers and cholesterol meters. Our glucometers allow for quick and painless glucose monitoring. Their characteristics comprise intuitive operation and ease of use.
During periods of lowered immunity, after antibiotic therapy and during gastrointestinal infections, patients may benefit from our probiotics. These contain live bacterial strains suitable for children and adults.
Innovation, professionalism and knowledge are our strengths with which we can meet patients’ expectations.